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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 13, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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we simply have to issue the invitation. breaking news. new video showing the deadly collision above new york's hudson river. it may prove valuable to investigators. we want to warn you, it is tough to watch. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> no one survived the crash. the last two bodies recovered on tuesday. slowing the footage down, you can see the plane attempting to
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turn and climb at the very last second, only to clip the helicopter with its right wing, right there. watch closely. you can see the wing torn from the plane before both vehicles flip and plummet into the river. the faa has begun disciplinary proceedings against an air traffic controller and a supervisor on duty during the crash. the controller was on the phone with his girlfriend at the time. his supervisor was not in the building which is against regulations. however, according to the agency, neither actions by the supervisor or the controller appear to have contributed to the accident itself. let's get perspective from retired american airlines captain jim tillman. what kind of clues can be gleaned from the videotape obtained by nbc news? >> anderson, i've been worried about whether or not this could have been avoided. you know, see and avoid are the rules of the road when you're in this situation. but they didn't really see each other. let me give you an example. look at that airplane.
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that's a low-wing airplane. visibility below the aircraft is highly restricted. the chopper is looking straight ahead. the pilot of the aircraft was also looking straight ahead. they're not able to really see each other until it's much, much too late. >> would it have made any difference if -- they don't have radio communication with each other. they're not hearing each other's radios? >> yes. it would have made a big difference if they had been listening with each other. they would have given position reports so everybody knew where the other guy was. there are a couple, three things here. discipline with the radio, discipline with altitude control, et cetera, are all part of this accident. i'm sure that investigation will show that that's one area we need to look at. because if we separate altitude, that can't happen. >> as we look at the tape, these are the only two aircraft we can see. there are -- there's been a lot of criticism over the last couple days just about what kind of a free for all it is in this
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bit of air space, above the river in this stretch of air. >> i talked with friends today who walk along that river quite a little bit. they talk about the frequency of near midair collisions. when they see aircraft much too close together. we're going to have to find a way to discipline everybody who flies on that corridor or we'll have this again. >> what do you make of the supervisor not being present and the controller apparently talking to his girlfriend? the controller handed over responsibility, electronically for this aircraft, to newark airport but apparently the pilot hadn't gotten in touch. but a controller talking on the phone to his girlfriend, clearly, that would be a violation of the rules. >> it is a violation of the rules. we will never know how much that may have contributed to the accident. it certainly does give us some reason for alarm. one of the problems with aviation safety sometimes is like any other safety situation. it's routine. you look at so much of this every day and nothing ever happens until one day it does.
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>> jim tillman, appreciate your expertise. thank you, sir. >> thank you. also ahead tonight, getting beyond all the shouting over health care reform while zeroing in on the reasons behind it. what is making so many americans so vocal about changing a system that up until recently a strong majority said needed more government involvement to fix. has the health care debate become a release valve? why all the noise for issues that have nothing to do with health care? hear for yourself from americans who don't like the way things are going. tom foreman met some of them in our "uncovering america" segment. >> just say no! >> reporter: the yelling, the posters, the verbal attacks. is this really all about health care reform? at meeting after meeting, questions are being raised about immigration. >> are you covering people that are here illegally? or are only the american citizen? >> reporter: lawyers. >> why isn't tort reform a part of any of these bills?
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>> reporter: about an economy that is down, government spending that is up. >> the only thing i see climbing higher is our deficit. >> reporter: and for many of these folks, all of that is about president obama. >> there's no transparency here. obama promised that we're going to have time to look at everything that goes through congress. >> you don't feel you're getting that with this? >> absolutely not. >> i'd rather have palin has the president right now. >> reporter: polls show the president is personally popular but support for his performance has fallen. voters say he is not handling the economy very well. he is taking on too much. and many at these meetings suggest this is just the opening battle of a long war against a president who they believe is growing the government, ballooning the deficit and he's just getting started. mark cresslynn came to a town hall meeting to protest health care reform.
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but he's also worried about the cost of the stimulus, new environmental laws and much more on the obama agenda. >> so is this fundamentally a question of fiscal responsibility for you? >> yes, because i think that's the ultimate problem that every person will suffer from at the end of the day. i love my four kids. that's what it comes down to. i know what i'm handing off to them. i can't bury my head in the sand anymore. >> reporter: president obama has said this debate should only be about health care reform. >> let me be clear. this isn't about me. >> reporter: but his opponents are being just as clear. yes, mr. president, this is about you. >> this government is out of control. >> reporte >> the white house was pushing back. but protesters are getting the lion's share of free media town hall news coverage.
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our next guest is hoping to do both. mark williams, organizer of the tea party express. there will be more than 30 rallies across the country. mr. williams, appreciate you joining us on the show. it's your first time. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, anderson. >> we're trying to get beyond the yelling and look at the legitimate anger. health care is something people relate to. for many, this is about more than just health care. >> the health care issue, health care reform has become something of a touchstone for all of us. i think included in there is all of the frustration over excessive spending over government officials not listening to us, over the head lines we see every day. i mean, it's incredulous to sit there and read a headline about how we spent a record amount last month, and how the treasury
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secretary wants to us spend more, give us a higher credit card limit. americans are worried about where this country is headed, where the future is headed. our country, quite frankly, deserves much better than what we're getting out of the leadership of this country today, on both sides of the aisle. >> criticism has been towards tossing democrats out of office. >> they happen to be the ones in control at this point. if republicans were pursuing such a destructive path, you'd find me yelling just as loudly. >> the most dramatic images from the town hall meetings are the ones ending up on television. >> sure. >> critics of those images, critics of the outrage expressed at some of these town halls are saying, look, these are people who didn't vote for president obama and are angry, you know, the way the country is going. just as under george bush, there were plenty of people angry about that and demonstrating and speaking out. why should these people at town halls be listened to any more
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than other people in past years have been listened to, exercising the democratic right to speak. does it necessarily mean there's a ground swell against any kind of reform? >> well, a couple of observations on that. first of all, this ground swell is a ground swell. unlike the marches we see in san francisco and on the washington mall. we saw during the rampup to the hostilities. these were manufactured. those were the astroturf. if i learned anything in my more than two decades of being an activist radio talk show host, i don't tell people to do anything. >> you can't honestly say opposition to the war was manufactured and artificial, you can't say that and at the same time say that but what you're doing is completely not, you know, being fund by groups. everybody is being fund by groups here. >> the difference is what i'm doing is running to the front of the parade and saying follow me. during those other protests, ramsey clark stood there and said here's some money, come
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demonstrate with me. >> you think ramsey clark was paying the demonstratodemonstra >> ramsey clark and his rent a mob. i've run into this in new york and philadelphia, everywhere i've worked. people are coming together, americans are coming together on this central issue. the central issue of america and where america is going. there's a great fear out there that our country deserves much better than being dismantled only to be rebuilt as a failed socialist paradise. we're watching the -- >> you really believe that president obama wants to make this into a socialist paradise? >> the government owns the automobile industry. the government owns the banking industry. the government is about to own the health care industry. yes, i'm afraid that we have -- i don't know what his personal thoughts are on this but all the actions i see are moving in that direction. i would add this, anderson. if this is such an imperative to pass this, why hasn't it been passed? the votes are there on the
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democrat side or supposedly the numbers in the house and senate, the democrats have all the votes they need to pass this without the republicans. so why isn't it? >> we sent so over time, i can't believe it. it's an interesting discussion. appreciate you being on. thank you. >> thank you very much. we'll be checking with "360" m.d., dr. sanjay gupta. keeping them honest. while you're at, check it out. citigroup, you bailed it out. now they want to make their traders richer, $100 million richer, one trader. and michael phelps involved in a car crash. we'll bring you the latest from "360," when we continue. imodium multi-symptom relief
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breaking news tonight involving olympic gold medalist michael phelps. his cadillac escalade hit a honda accord. the honda driver apparently shaken up, taken to a local hospital as a precaution. the accident is under investigation. back to the anger that seems to be prevalent around the country. case in point today, citigroup.
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a massive bailout, recipient under the last administration's t.a.r.p. program. subject to government review of the money it pays its top executives. reportedly asking for permission to write a check for $100 million to a single employee. what is going on at citi? >> reporter: it's a fascinating story, anderson. the head of the energy trading unit at citigroup who is due to receive $100 million. citigroup says it's not a bonus. it's a pay for performance, aligning the amount somebody gets paid for their performance. citigroup was the recipient of $50 billion in government financing, government asafetiance last year. they're saying this is a big money-making group and the head of the group and that group are entitled to their money. it's $100 million they want to pay out to this one trader, name is andrew hall. they say he's entitled to it. they want to pay it. this is how they say they're going to get their business back
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on track. that's attracting a lot of attention and criticism, anderson. >> $100 million, i don't know much about bonuses but that seems a tremendous amount. didn't obama administration put restrictions on executive compensation earlier this year? >> reporter: yes, but they did it after the fact. and that -- those restrictions according to citigroup don't apply to agreements and contracts that were made before the bailout, when those restrictions warn in the place. they're saying this doesn't qualify under those restrictions. now, the administration pay czar is probably going to look at this and say, this doesn't make a lot of sense. but experts have told us that he can only make nonbinding comments on it. he can't force citigroup to not honor that contract that they've got with him. what he might do, if he does make recommendations this money shouldn't be paid and citigroup does pay it, that will put citigroup under the focus of congress again. we know that didn't work out well last time. >> not so well at all. a congresswoman on the phone
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while a cancer survivor tries to get health care answers. the lawmaker says itten is what the it seems. we'll look at all the angles. that's the video right there. she's clearly talking on the phone while someone else is telling her story about surviving cancer. later, michael jackson's doctor, his attorney says the doctor never tested jackson for drugs. didn't even know about any possible problems before taking jackson on as a patient. is that possible? we investigate. al they get. others buy the car of their dreams. during the lexus golden opportunity sales event, you can do both. introducing our best offers of the year on the vehicles intellichoice calls "the best overall value of all luxury brands." it's an opportunity today. it's a lexus forever.
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government solutions to big problems, including the banking mess and health care. every day seems to bring something new to get angry about, justified or not.
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take a look at this video making the rounds. sheila jackson lee on a cell phone at a town hall meeting as a cancer survivor was asking a question. someone was heard saying she's not even listening. she said she was not taking a call, she was calling a congressional hot line with answers to health care questions. joining us now, candy crowley, tom foreman and joe jackson. it certainly looks leak a literal representation of the common complaint which you've no doubt heard. you've been at these town hall meetings that members of congress aren't listening to their constituents' complaints. >> i see a political ad coming with that. it's emblem attatic, something people can use for campaign purposes. i think i've heard probably at every town hall meeting i was at yesterday, there were four of them, i heard one person say to
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iowa senator chuck grassley, we don't know what's going on. we don't feel as if anyone is listening to us. it's a common complaint, i have to say. people always feel that representatives of congress don't listen to people like them as they say. the fact of the matter is that right now, the passions are so high that you really hear that message coming through. you're not listening. the federal government's moving ahead. the administration is moving ahead on things i don't like. >> the white house is essentially saying, look, they're showing the most heated moments which is essentially what television always does, goes for the most heated moments, is misrepresenting the overall tenor, what's actually taking place in a lot of these town halls. you're seeing the most excitable people. you're not seeing the discussions that go on in places where this doesn't occur. is the white house right about that? >> well, a lot of people say there's a danger in that. i did see a poll that suggested people who are watching this are really tuning in to what the
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people on camera are having to say. some democrats even say the president really ignores these people's concerns at his own peril. because at the end of the day, this is about listening and it's about having a government that says, i hear you. i hear your concerns and we're going to try to address those concerns. rather than dismissing those concerns. so it's a little bit difficult for the administration at the same time, they have a lot of frustration. because they feel like, hey, it's all political. it's politics and people get that. not everybody gets that from the middle of the country. >> tom, it's interesting. a lot of people were angry about the anger being shown at these town hall meetings. take a look. these people didn't want barack obama to be president. they're angry about that. and that may be fueling this in part. and people always get upset after an election and this is, you know, there were plenty of liberals who were equally upset when george bush was president. but it wasn't shown on tv as much. >> yeah, i think that's true.
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no question. there were a lot of liberals who were very upset, democrats were very upset with george bush. it didn't get this kind of play. at the same time, you weren't having members of congress go out and stage these events all over the country over and over again where you were having oceans of people show up. look, it's natural television. it's naturally interesting and it actually does matter, because these people are creating genuine pressure on these members of congress. i think they're scaring some of them half to death. they know they have to come back here and vote now. that these people are going to be watching. you know what, anderson, it goes beyond just the people we know didn't vote for barack obama. what i think they're really worried about is that big meaty mid that'll elected barack obama and those people who are mad at him are the ones that worry them. >> anderson, i just want to say, when i was with grassley, they were not yelling, shouting people at any of the -- of the town halls that he went to yesterday.
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these were pointed questions. these were even sometimes angry questions. but nonetheless, it had the same passion. i have to tell you, senator grassley said he'd been seeing these things all along, since about february, he saw his crowds grow and grow and grow and that what the underlying theme here is, which is now captured newspaper the health care debate, people are looking and saying, wait a second, the government is taking over everything. that's really the underlying problem that they see with now we own the auto industry or we own this or we own that, which is hyperbole. nonetheless, they see the government interfering or intervening in so many private businesses and they now see health care as yet another attempt by the federal government to take something over. that does not sit well with a lot of people. >> joe, where does the debate actually stand? you know, in congress, obviously, folks are out in their districts. when they come back. it seems like there's not one
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bill at this point to actually discuss. it's kind of all over the place. >> it's totally all over the place. the democrats will have to get together and get something. there's a lot of speculation that at the end of the day, we're going to have a much smaller bill than a lot of the democrats wanted, simply because after people in the hill go out and hear all this stuff, it's hard to go back into the capitol and ignore what you've heard. on the other side of the coin, the administration will be pushing frankly, anderson, for all they can get. >> tom, i mean, where do you see this thing going? how many -- we have two or three more weeks until congress is back in session. are they going to continue to have the town halls or are some of them going to pull back? >> some of them already pulled out, as you know. this say hard experience. to echo what candy said, at the meetings i've been to this week, there was never a point where the elected representative didn't get to say what they
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wanted to say. maybe there were a lot of cat calls and that type of thing. it's like the house of lords meetings you see from england. there's a lot of carrying 0 on but in the ennd they get their message across. what's going to happen, i think joe has the key, the pressure comes downhill on washington here. you'll look at a lot more talk about scaling this thing way back to address principally the question of cost, which i hear from everybody out there, and the question of simply being so big that nobody comprehends it. >> quickly. >> the bottom line is pugh did a huge poll that came out a couple weeks ago. it said this is the president's most polarizing issue. there's a split, three-quarters of democrats said health care should take priority over reducing the deficits. the republicans on the other side had completely different answers. 63% said reducing the deficit
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should take priority over health insurance reform. this is the kind of thing that's a polarizing issue. it's not politics at large. a lot of people are looking at just that and saying, it's spending versus health care. >> joe johns, candy crowley, appreciate it. you've seen health care town halls transform into stages for anger and fear and staggering deficits and big government. we've heard precious little about this. all the people who do not have health insurance, who do not get regular health care, 47 million americans don't have health insurance. we're all paying for that. tomorrow, we're digging deeper on the rising cost to all of us of not doing anything. rescuers rushing to save thousands of typhoon victims. we'll show you the incredible pictures. and was jackson's doctor? the dark? according to dr. conrad murray's attorney, his client was unaware
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of michael jackson's "unusual" problems when he took the job. i'll talk to dr. sanjay gupta and jeffrey toobin about that. (pouring rain)
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call now. coming up, michael jackson's drug use, what his doctor did and did not know about it or at least claims he didn't know about it. first erica hill with the "360 bulletin." a deadly typhoon left more than 100 dead in taiwan, dozens are still missing. 20,000 troops have been deployed to remote mountain villages where thousands are stranded.
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some 14,000 villagers have been rescued. an african-american man pleaded guilty to making a racial threat on facebook. he created a fictitious account, used the profile to make death threats to an african-american college student. he now faces a maximum of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. michael vick is returning to the nfl. he's signed a two-year deal with the philadelphia eagles. the qb served a 23-month sentence for running a dogfighting operation. he recently spoke to "60 minutes" about the victims of his crime, the dogs. >> what about the dogs? >> it was wrong, j.b. you know, i feel -- i feel tremendous hurt behind what happened. and i should have taken the initiative to stop it all and i didn't. i didn't step up. i wasn't a leader.
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and oprah winfrey among the hundreds saying their respects to the late eunice kennedy shriver. many special olympians were also there today. today more than 3 million people with mental disabilities compete in those games in 170 nations. a private, invitation only memorial will be held tomorrow. there's a live chat at still ahead, intriguing new developments in the michael jackson story. the lawyer for his doctor saying when his client showed up for work in los angeles, he discovered the singer had unusual medical problems. details ahead. plus, a palestinian doctor who spent years working for peace, side by side with israeli doctors suffers the ultimate test of his convictions. his story when we continue. ( siren blaring )
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special interest groups are trying to block progress
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dr. conrad murray, jackson's personal physician at the center of this story. in an interview with "los angeles times," his attorney said his klein the did not know what medications michael jackson might be taking when he took the job or if he was addicted to drugs. it's intriguing, serious comment that comes as the investigation heats up. joining us now is dr. sanjay
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gupta and jeffrey toobin. cnn has confirmed that dr. murray is claiming he didn't know what drugs jackson was taking when he was hired. i want to play exactly what his lawyer told the "los angeles times." when he accepted the job he was not aware of specific requirement of medications that michael jackson was taking. do you buy that? >> it's an unusual situation that michael jackson and some of his drug use, some of the drug use that wasn't alleged but he admitted to was pretty well defined. >> if you had googled michael jackson, you could have found out he himself said he had been addicted at one point. >> i would say two things. one is most doctors prior to taking on a patient do a pretty thorough history of the patient, not a physical exam, at least the history. who is this patient, what is their past history, including drug use. given that this was so much out in there the public and
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obviously conrad murray must have known about michael jackson, it just doesn't pass the sniff test, so to speak. >> jeff, why do you think dr. murray's lawyer is now saying this? >> i think it's clear. he's looking at a possibility of his client being charged with kaugz the death of michael jackson. to the extent murray's lawyer can say, hey, look, this guy had all sorts of issues, all sorts of problems, addiction -- >> pre-existing conditions. >> as they might say in the insurance world, absolutely. to the extent he can make the medical situation of michael jackson as complicated as possible, that's good for his client, even if it doesn't make dr. murray look like the best doctor in the world. it doesn't make him look like a criminal. >> it's beyond making him look good. it's the question of defending him against possible manslaughter charges. >> absolutely. he could say, murray could say, i did an investigation, an interview with my patient and he didn't tell me these things.
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>> if propofol is what is determined to have caused this and dr. conrad murray issued it, does this matter? >> i think it does matter. propofol itself doesn't ordinarily kill people. it's a legal drug. a doctor was administering it. jackson had a bad reaction to it. that doesn't necessarily make murray guilty of a crime. >> the search warrant served at the las vegas pharmacy earlier in the week said authorities were specifically looking to evidence related to propofol specifically relevanted to murray. what kinds of things are they looking for? >> let me say one thing about propofol as a drug. this is a medication that can put you to sleep so hard, so
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powerful sleep, that you're unable to breathe on your own. >> which we saw in a piece you did. you were in an operating room with doctors and anesthesiologists. >> he had to have a breathing tube placed within ten seconds. he was not able to breathe on his own. he could have died. this has to be administered under monitoring in a hospital-like setting. >> why, jeff, do you think this coroner's report has not been released? >> the reason has to be that the prosecutors think that releasing the information will give witnesses the chance to line up their story with the known medical facts. that's the risk you always take when you release documents that are related to an investigation. this is a very long time to hold it. >> is it possible they would hold it to the trial? >> they couldn't until the trial, i don't think. until they completed their investigation when they decide
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to charge murray or someone else or not. i think they basically decided to hold it at least for that long. >> all right. jeff toobin, dr. sanjay gupta, thanks, guys. still ahead, it had been five years since lynndie england's face was revealed. and a doctor faces the ultimate test of his convictions when his kids are caught in the cross fire of a bloody battle. i never thought i would have a heart attack, but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself.
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earlier tonight in a two-hour special, christiane amanpour reported on "generation islam." she brings us another report from the middle east. in just a matter of weeks, the u.n. will issue its report on the bloody battle in gaza that ended in mid-january. over the 22-day battle, 13 israelis and more than 1,400 palestinians were killed, including hundreds of kids. christiane amanpour has the story. >> reporter: at the height of the war, israethis israeli repo got a desperate phone call from dr. izzeldin abuelaish.
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it was a true irony. for 1 years, dr. abuelaish worked side by side with israeli doctors in israeli hospitals, devoting his life to medicine and to making peace between order people on both sides. now, paramedics race to save his surviving daughter shada and his niece, ida after the israeli shelling that killed three of his eight children. the wounded were rushed across the border to the sheba medical center in israel. dr. abuelaish's colleagues try to comfort him. we travel with him back to gaza. oh, my god, what a mess. can you tell me what happened?
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>> when my daughters were building their future and their hopes and their dreams, inside this room. all of a sudden, everything explode. look at the educational material. >> reporter: this is art, culture, entertainment and shopping. >> management. culture, demographic and environment. >> reporter: this is what your daughter was studying? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: her blood is still on that. and when we're standing here, where your children were killed, how do you teach your surviving children, your friends, your family, not to hate? >> i teach them to learn from
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what happened. and how this can be translated into positive actions and to achieve the dreams of their lost, beloved sisters. >> dr. abuelaish has since been nominated for a nobel peace prize. we're pleased to have him with us tonight. dr. abuelaish, thanks for being with us. my condolences on the devastating loss to your family. how do you continue on after something like that has happened? of anything who has a reason to feel hate in their heart, you certainly have a valid reason and yet that's not what we're hearing from you. >> i'm a physician who deals with living people and i don't deal with -- i have lost three daughters but i have other five more, they have a future and they have many things to do for my children and the people i am living for. >> how does it not, though,
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change what's in your heart? you've lost something and yet you are not preaching hate against the israelis. >> i have one of two ways, to go the way of darkness, animosity or go to the way of life, love and making of this tragedy something positive. i swore to god this tragedy will be for positive and for good for humanity. >> was that something that took you a long time to come to? how soon after this horrible incident did you start to feel that? >> from the first moment of the tragedy, while i am at the scene of the tragedy and seeing the bodies of my daughters, i started to behave as a physician and to think of the casualties, to think of the severely injure
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injured, and others. >> i read you in part dedicated the nobel peace prize nomination to prejudice people everywhere. what do you mean by that? >> this world is full of prejudice. i think humanity brings all of us together. when you defend humanity as a palestinian or any other place, you defend yourself. and that's what we want to get rid of this suffering of human being and humanity that we belong to. >> how do you go about doing that? you started a foundation, daughters for life. what are you hope ing ing to ac with that? >> i'm ready to achieve their dreams. i think there are a lot of girls in this world who deserve the care. this foundation will be dedicated for girls and women, because i fully believe in the potential of girls and women in making a difference. and educated and healthy girl
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and woman, and educated and healthy children, family, husband, community and nation. it's time for women to take the lead. >> it's remarkable your message that you send and your example that you're setting. i congratulate you and i'm sorry that you went through this experience but you're continuing on and staying strong. i appreciate you being with us tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> a remarkable man. for more on his story, go to where one of his friends describes the moments at tack happened. you can't also learn how to help his organization. christiane amanpour travels to two of the places where the battle for heart and mind is so intense, gaza and islam.
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two breaking stories. the first of the deadly news and ob fained it. it's difficult to watch. home video taken showing the small plane and single engine hitting the helicopter and people died. the faa beginning action against an air traffic controller talking on the phone with his girlfriend.
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we are also following breaking news with michael phelps. he was in a kwar crash at 9:00 p.m. eastern. his cadillac escalade hit a honda accord and his two passengers are fine. the honda driver shaken up. the bottom line here, no assurances of how long the war might last or what it could cost. 62,000 american troops are already on the ground there. another 6,000 set to arrive by year's end. linney england is speaking out more than two years after doing time for abusing prisoners in ab r abu ghraib prison.
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>> compared to what they would do to us, they were cutting our guy's heads off and dragging them through the streets of baghdad and hanging off bridges. this happens at colleges and dorm rooms and whatever. here in the u.s. all the time. >> back home, guitar legend les paul has died. he invented the electric guitar as we know it and pioneered the multitrack recording without which rock 'n' roll being recorded. les paul was 94. we will get a chance to recover with a week long trip for two to mexico.
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worth it, i guess. >> yeah. ouch. >> yeah. >> painful to wall of. time for the winners and "the challenge" for viewers coming up with a caption better than we come up with. the iconic abby road album. in august of 1969. this caption is desperates and the biggest fans. >> all they need love and the fitness regime. the t-shirt is on the way. coming up, i want to make this before we go to bait. a 300 bear leads officials on a high speed pursuit after pool hopping in an l.a. neighborhood. more than 780 million muslims under the age of 25. what's it going to take to earn their trust?
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a special report following 360 at midnight. ding pounds and a smidge. a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. cool. you know this scale is off by a good 7, 8 pounds. maybe five. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. . ( si special interest groups are trying to block progress on health care reform, derailing the debate with myths and scare tactics. desperately trying to stop you from discovering that reform won't force you to give up your current coverage. you'll still be able to choose your doctor and insurance plan. tell congress not to let myths get in the way of fixing what's broken with health care. learn the facts at
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>> here's the dramatic animal video. he fled up a tree after trying to take a dip.
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they started firing not to hurt him, but to scare him down and apparently worked. you can see him high tailing across the yards and back into the national forest. >> i never heard of that. >> the bean bag? >> i got it in my office. >> that are explains why jack is afraid of you. >> exactly. not all get off so easy. . you may remember the nose dive. he was there to help, sort of. not really. >> we are told the bear is fine. >> apparently the bear is fine. >> been fire for years. >> and gets royalties every time we watch that. >> no! >> i love it. >> i hate it. it's mean.